RO DBT Training

One Day Introduction to Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy Workshop

Self-control, the ability to inhibit competing urges, impulses, or behaviors is highly valued by most societies. However, excessive self-control has been linked to social isolation, aloof interpersonal functioning, maladaptive perfectionism, constricted emotional expressions, and difficult-to-treat mental health problems, such as anorexia nervosa, obsessive compulsive personality disorder and refractory depression. The aim of this workshop is to introduce clinicians to the theoretical foundations and new skills underlying Radically Open-Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT) for disorders of overcontrol. Karyn Hall, Ph.D., a certified RO DBT supervisor, is the presenter.


After completing this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Explain a new biosocial theory for OC
  • Describe a novel treatment mechanism positing open expression = trust = social connectedness
  • List and define at least 3 new RODBT treatment strategies to enhance self-enquiry and flexible responding
  • List and define the 4 core deficits of Overcontrol
  • Describe the RODBT treatment structure
  • Describe the RODBT treatment hierarchy
  • Articulate the differences between RODBT and Standard DBT

Any Questions?

Call us: 713-973-2800

Contact us to discuss training needs or ideas. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to customize training to your needs.